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Created: Sunday, 26 June 2016 23:40

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Created: Sunday, 26 June 2016 08:50
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Created: Saturday, 12 March 2016 14:27
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Created: Tuesday, 16 September 2014 17:26

Yellowbrickroad Hats off "Stetson" best puppy of the breedGroup 3rd in the puppy class, judged by Mr. Peter Green
Breed by Suzee Bidegain
Owned, Grommed and Handled by Mariano Lomelí (camino amarillo cairn terriers)
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Created: Sunday, 22 June 2014 09:28

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Created: Wednesday, 16 January 2013 09:38

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Created: Sunday, 17 June 2012 08:00
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Created: Sunday, 27 May 2012 08:00
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Created: Saturday, 05 May 2012 08:00
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Created: Friday, 22 June 2012 08:00

goes Best of Winners at Great Western

New champion Yellowbrickroad Verness Skye Tate
wb/bw at Great Western!

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Created: Tuesday, 05 July 2011 11:30

Friday: CTCSC Specialty
Sweepstakes judge: Marie Quarles
YellowBrickRoad On Tap : BOS
Friday's regular class judge: Ray Bay
Janwells Rock'n The Boat At YBR : WD (4 point major)

Sat Great Western Terrier Club regular class judge: Clay Cody
Janwell's Rock'n The Boat At YBR : WD/BOW (5 point major)

Sunday CTCA National Roving regular class judge: Karen Wilson
RWD: Janwell's Rock'n The Boat At YBR
YellowBrickRoad Loose Lip's : WB (5 point major/CTCA goblet winner)
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Created: Thursday, 02 June 2011 08:00

Hi Suzee!
I´m am writing you to let you know that a couple of weeks ago Toto went group 1st and 3rd in Best in Show! all breeds, now in
adult/open class. He´s looking great!
Bye, Mariano.
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Created: Saturday, 05 February 2011 15:31

Brix started his show career by winning Best In Sweeps at the 2010 CTCNC Specialty,
the following day, he captured a 4 point major at Santa Clara.
His second major was awarded at the Nor Cal Terrier show in Sacramento.
He took 2 BOB's at Redmond,OR and completed his title at Ventura shows,
going BW 3 of the 3 days he was shown
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Created: Friday, 31 December 2010 08:00
Ch. YellowBrickRoad Wring of Fire "Cash" accomplishments for 2010

#3 All-breed Dog in Hawaii 2010
#5 Cairn All-breed nationally (showsight, canine chronicle) 2010
#2 Terrier in Hawaii
3 Best In Shows
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Created: Saturday, 04 December 2010 09:50
Hi Suzee
Based on this run, Finn was able to move up to Excellent level. He's now in Excellent Standard and Jumpers With Weaves. See the video here
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Created: Wednesday, 01 December 2010 08:00
Cash (Ch Yellowbrickroad Ring of Fire) was Select Dog at Kennel Club of Beverly Hills, under judge Peter Green. Cash is a new Grand Champion!
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Created: Sunday, 26 September 2010 08:00

This weekend Toto (Zalazar Ziggy Stardust -YellowBrickRoad's Girls Gone Wild)
did great at a 2 day show at Guadalajara.
First day went group 1st in junior class and group 2nd in
adults and the second day went group 1st in junior and adults and we got
our very first best in show in junior class!
The judges were Richard Beauchamp and Gloria Geringer.
First time in mexican dog shows 70 years history that a cairn wins best in show
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Created: Sunday, 03 October 2010 08:00

Aloha! Great news from Hawaii where I have been visiting Lisa Dangelmaier & Paul Pikini.
This weekend at Windward Hawaiian Dog Fanciers Association - All Breed shows,
I showed "Cash" Ch Yellowbrickroad Wring of Fire to BEST IN SHOW both saturday and sunday.
Cash is owned by Lisa & Paul and is out of Ch Zalazar Walk The Line & Ch Zalazar Koh-I-Noor.

Windward Hawaiian Dog Fanciers Association
BIS judge Mr. Kenneth Berg
Grp 1 judge Miss Dorothy MacDonald
Windward Hawaiian Dog Fanciers Association
BIS judge Mr. John T Connolly
Grp 1 judge Dr. Harry Smith
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Created: Sunday, 14 February 2010 08:00

Ch YellowBrickRoad Wring of Fire "Cash" Grp 1 OIDFC 2/14/2010 Judge Ms Judy Webb
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Created: Saturday, 13 February 2010 08:00

Ch YellowBrickRoad Wring of Fire "Cash" Group 1 OIDFC 2/13/2010 Judge Dr. John Shelton.
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Created: Monday, 15 February 2010 08:00

News straight from Hawaii: Yellow Brick Road Wring of Fire wins Best in Show! Lovingly handled by his owner, Lisa Dangelmeir, while one of his co-owners, Paul Pikini, cheered her on. CONGRATULATIONS!
Ch YellowBrickRoad Wring of Fire BIS OIDFC 2/15/2010 BIS Judge Ms. Donna Buxton Grp Judge Mr. Joe Tacker
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Created: Sunday, 04 October 2009 10:00
"Walker" Wins National Specialty Montgomery 2009 125 entries
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Created: Saturday, 29 August 2009 10:00
Aug 28th Walker BOB and Group 2 Breed judge: Elaine Young Group judge: Charlotte Patterson |
Aug 29th Walker BOB YellowBrickRoad Nirvana "new champion" 3 point major Breed judge: Connie Clark |
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Created: Thursday, 23 July 2009 10:12
Zalazar Walk The Line went BOB at Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club Specialty. Judge: Graham Peers, GB 42 entries |
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Created: Saturday, 20 June 2009 10:00
At Great Western Terrier Association CTCSC Specialty Zalazar Walk The Line went BOB and Group no.4
Breed judge: Ferelith Somerfield, GB
Group judge Richard Powell

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Created: Sunday, 03 May 2009 10:00
At the shows at Rio Hondo Kennel Club, Pomona, California, Zalazar Walk The Line had 2 group placements:
Saturday May 2
Judge: Mrs Judith V. Daniels
Sunday May 3
Judge: Mr Kenneth Kauffman
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Created: Thursday, 05 March 2009 10:00
Best of Breed at Crufts 2009
The worlds largest dog show.
Zalazar Walk The Line
Owned, handled & loved by Suzee Bidegain
Breeder: Mette Sørum, Denmark
157 entries, Breed Specialist Judge: Yvonne Catto, GB
Read more ...
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Created: Sunday, 05 October 2008 10:00
Best of Breed at CTCA National Specialty - Montgomery County Kennel Club Breed Judge James Reynolds
Entries 145 Cairns
Zalazar Walk The Line
Owned, handled & loved by Suzee Bidegain
Breeder: Mette Sørum, Denmark
Judge James Reynolds Critique from MCKC:
It was a great pleasure and honor to judge the CTCA national specialty and was the third time that I have had this privilege. I thought that the quality of the dogs was the highest that I have seen. Presentation and showmanship was excellent. Amateur handlers can meet and rival the professionals in presentation which makes for a much more level playing field. Except for puppies being puppies everyone was exceptionally well behaved and I only found one or two mouths which could have been slightly better but not an issue. On the whole coat texture was excellent and there were many, many lovely heads with proper ear set, breadth of skull, stop and eyes both in placement and colour. On the whole I thought body proportions were good with very few short-legged dogs shown but I suspect that many knew my feelings on this point. There were still problems with fronts, short upper arms, rather upright shoulders and lack of forechest. These issues were reflected in the movement both coming and from the side. Top lines were very good, as was rib spring. A few were a little long in loin but not enough for me to see it as a problem. Tail sets were for the most part good. I found some straight stifles and some rather erratic rear movement as a result. Temperaments were fantastic.
I am certain that some of the spectators went away questioning the issue of size. Although my favorite Cairn was a tall dog, Eng. Am. And Can. Ch. Lofthouse Davey, I really do prefer a more moderate dog and really didn’t expect this to be an issue as I set about the assignment. I had some very lovely dogs throughout the classes and had several to whom I would have been delighted to award Winners and then I came to Open Dog and Counterpoint Christopher Robin. He is not a small dog but as I worked my way through his many, many virtues I could not find anybody to touch him. Lovely head and eye, great neck, firm topline. Tail always on top, moved exceptionally well both coming, going and from the side. Judging is about virtues and in my opinion he could not be matched by his competitors on the day and so emerged with W.D. to be followed by the second in open, Aftonshire’s Dominic, another lovely dog with a great head and eye, good coat and showmanship not quite as good on the move but a lovely balance and size.
Bitches are always my delight and from the moment the baby puppy bitch winner, Skerryvore Against the Wind came in the ring I knew I was in for great time. In most classes my top two could have changed at anytime. In the end WB. Quarrydene’s Black Diamond came from the Bred By Class . A lovely wheaten brindle bitch, lovely head and expression, great coat, good topline and legs, non stop showmanship. She was from the same kennel as my 1st in Bred By Dogs and together they made a fantastic brace as they are spittiing images of one another and yet at least in the first generation are not related. They would get fourth in Brace in Show but to my prejudiced eye could have gone further. My RWB was a heart stealer and almost did it just on my feelings. A lovely red bitch from the 12-18, Hampton Court’s Ashley. Beautiful showman and mover, great expression. She is a little overweight and has a rather full coat which didn’t help her proportions when you looked at her in profile but could reverse with the winner any day.
After lunch my specials came in the ring and once again anyone watching who loves the breed must have taken great pride in the impact of these great Cairns in the ring. Once again I knew many of the dogs from past shows and so was rather interested to see how the class would proceed. Almost immediately I realized that I was going to be back at the issue of size when I went over Ch. Zalazar Walk the Line, a dog which I had never seen before. This is a stallion of a dog with a gorgeous, head, eye, and bone. He is dead sound with a topline which is a delight and a bang-up tail which he never stops carrying up and showing. He would emerge as BOB, looked fantastic in the BIS ring and made the cut. Later a judge from England approached me and told me that he had made him best in Stockholm at the World Show this year—quite a year for an eighteen month old dog. B.O.S. was a lovely back brindle bitch, Ch. Terriwood Mojo. Much more in line with what I usually reward in size and appearance, very sound, and appealing with great coat texture. B.W went to the Winners dog who made a rather fantastic appearance when I brought him out with my BOB.
Once again it was a beautiful day and I thank the membership for the opportunity.
James G. Reynolds
Read more ...
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Created: Thursday, 03 July 2008 17:56
 Best In Show World Cairn Championship Show Sweden 2008  Best In Show, Best In Show Junior, Dog CC: Zalazar Walk The Line Owned, handled & loved by Suzee Bidegain Breeder: Mette Sørum, Denmark 165 entries, Breed Specialist Judges: Bill Cammish & Jim Pollock 
  ....... and this is how the winner celebrated his victory.  
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Created: Sunday, 13 January 2008 17:18
"Zalazar Walk The Line"
Walker wins Best Puppy In Sweeps/WD/BOW on Friday (3 point major), Best Puppy In Sweeps/WD on Saturday. Winners Dog on Sunday.
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Created: Sunday, 13 January 2008 16:58
"Zalazar Walk The Line"
Walker wins Best Puppy In Sweeps under judge Mr. Dave Tuttle.
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Created: Sunday, 13 January 2008 16:36
"Ch. YellowBrickRoad Girls Gone Wild"
Tessa wins Best Of Opposite Sex at Eukanuba National Championship show Nov 30, 2007
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Created: Wednesday, 24 October 2007 10:00
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Created: Thursday, 29 March 2007 05:32
YBR's Redcoat Sailor's Salute wins BOB and Group 4 from Open Dog class under Mrs Betty-Anne Stenmark (owners: Brian and Sandy Lehmkhuler/Suzee Bidegain/Karen Smith
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Created: Sunday, 11 March 2007 03:20
Santa Clara Valley Kennel Club, Sunday Feb 18, 2007
Judge: Charlotte Patterson
Ch. YellowBrickRoad HellOnWheel's wins BOB and Group 4
Santa Clara Valley Kennel Club, Monday Feb 19, 2007
Judge: Charles Trotter
Ch. YellowBrickRoad HellOnWheel's wins judges Award Of Merit
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Created: Saturday, 17 February 2007 09:00

"YellowBrickRoad Girls Gone Wild"
Cairn Terrier Club Of Northern California
Entry 93
Judge: Mr. Bill Cammish (UK)
*YellowBrickRoad Girls Gone Wild wins BOS from Bred-By class
*Ch. Zalazar On The Road is awarded the second judges Award Of Merit (owner: Suzee Bidegain/Mette Sorum)
*Ch. YellowBrickRoad Hell On Wheel's is receives judges Award Of Merit (owner: Bob and Leslie Steward)
*Ch. YellowBrickRoad Private Label is awarded the first "bitches" Award Of Merit (owner: Lucille Mansfield/Suzee Bidegain)
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Created: Friday, 16 February 2007 09:00

"YellowBrickRoad Lip Service"
Cairn Terrier Club Of America National Roving Sweepstakes
Judge: Ms Kahty Wishart
*YellowBrickRoad Lip Service wins best "puppy bitch"

"YellowBrickRoad Girls Gone Wild"
Cairn Terrier Club Of America National Roving
Entry: 93
Judge: Ms Chris Carter
*YellowBrickRoad Girls Gone Wild wins WB/BW
*Ch Zalazar On The Road is awarded judges Award Of Merit (owner: Suzee Bidegain/Mette Sorum)
*Ch YellowBrickRoad Hell On Wheel's is awarded judges Award Of Merit (owner: Bob and Leslie Stewart)
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Created: Sunday, 31 December 2006 11:59
YellowBrickRoad Scotch On The Rock is ranked #1 Cairn in Hawaii for the second year. He is also ranked as Hawaii's #9 Terrier.
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Created: Saturday, 02 December 2006 10:00
Ch. YellowBrickRoad's Quite A Charmer, aka: Tilly takes a judges award of merit (only 3 given out) at the Eukanuba Invitational. Tilly ranked #13 Cairn Terrier and #3 Cairn bitch. Tilly is now expecting puppies from Ch. Zalazar On The Road.
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Created: Thursday, 30 November 2006 10:00
Redwood's BodaO'YellowBrickRoad winning Winners Bitch for a 3 point major at the Los Encino's show Thursday Nov 30th 2006 under judge Mrs. Carberry. Also winning Winners Bitch at the Long Beach Kennel club show Dec 1, 2006 under judge Mrs. Wilson. Boda just coming off raising her own litter of 5, plus taking on 3 puppies for Ch. Mavrick's Check Yes Or No aka: Georgie owned loved and dearly missed by Wayne and Dena Jordan (Mavrick Terriers)..
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Created: Saturday, 11 November 2006 10:00
Best Puppy In Match: YellowBrickRoad In The Game (Westerly Hullabaloo x YellowBrickRoad Billabong)
Best Opposite Sex In Match: YellowBrickRoad Inimitable (Westerly Hullabaloo x YellowBrickRoad Billabong).
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Created: Sunday, 22 October 2006 10:00
BOB: Ch. YellowBrickRoad J-Lo Candela (Wolfman's Lolly Pop Kid x Ch. Fettercairn Joachim)WB/BW: YellowBrickRoad Valley Girl (Ch. Zalazar American Intruder x Ch. Regina Pacis Daneile)
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Created: Saturday, 21 October 2006 10:00
BOB: Ch. Glenmore Mr. Sandman (Ch. Chivari Salute At Glenmore x Ch. Fettercairn Joachim)BOS: Ch. YellowBrickRoad J-Lo Candella (Wolfman's Lolly Pop Kid x Ch. Fettercarin Joachim)WB/BW: YellowBrickRoad Valley Girl (Ch. Zalazar American Intruder x Ch. Regina Pacis Daniele)
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Created: Monday, 26 June 2006 00:00
Kennel Club Of Beverly Hill's Sun June 25th 2006 Judge Mr. Edd Bivin BOB: YellowBrickRoad's Quite A Charmer (Ch. Fettercairn Joachim x Regina Pacis Danielle)
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Created: Saturday, 24 June 2006 10:00
GWTCS Sat June 24

Sweeps, under judge Mrs. Gloria Mair
BIS: YBR's Marquee's Cha-Ching (Ch. Robinson Crusoe Quite Macho x Ch. Thestrup's Female)
BOS: YellowBrickRoad's Girls Gone Wild (Ch. Zalazar On The Road x Ch. Zalazar American Intruder)

Great Western Terrier Club: Judge: David Merriam
BOS: Ch. YellowBrickRoad's Quite A Charmer (Ch. Fettercairn Joachim x Regina Pacis Doris)

WD/BW/New Champion 4 point major: YBR's Redcoat Rolling Stone (Ch. Cairngold Captain Jack x Ch. Thestrup's Female)

Reserve Winners Bitch: YellowBrickRoad Valley Girl (Ch. Regina Pacis Danielle x Ch. Zalazar American Intruder)
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Created: Friday, 23 June 2006 10:00
CTCSC Fri June 23
News from Great Western 2006 where the CTCSC put on ANOTHER beautiful show.
The venue was absolutely spectacular...right on the lake:)
The theme this year was Camping and decorations were wonderful. Our ring was the talk of the show.
So much thanks goes to Jack and Karen Smith as well as the many others
who pitch in year after year to make this show such a success.
I had a wonderful time with old friends and meeting new ones.

BOB and new Champion: Zalazar On The Road (Ch. Birselaw Billy Fury x Ch. Zalazar Voodoo Magic)

BOS/AOM and new Champion: Frigg's Princesse Pepita (Ch. Zalazar Jackpot x Cadagio Singha Gold)

Judge: Linda Firth:)
BOB: Zalazar On The Road (Ch. Birselaw Billy Fury x Ch. Zalazar Voodoo Magic)
AOM: Ch. YellowBrickRoad Quite A Charmer (Ch. Fettercairn Joachim x Regina Pacis Doris)
BOS/AOM: Frigg's Princesse Pepita (Ch. Zalazar Jackpot x Cadagio Singha Gold)
AOM: Ch. YellowBrickRoad J-Lo Candela (Ch. Fettercairn Joachim x Wolfman's Lolly Pop Kid)

BIS Sweepstakes: YellowBrickRoad Girls Gone Wild (Ch. Zalazar On The Rocks x Ch. Zalazar American Intruder)

BOS Sweepstakes: YBR Marquee Cha-Ching (Ch. Robinson Crusoe Quite Macho x Ch. Thestrup's Female)
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Created: Sunday, 05 February 2006 10:00

Frigg's Princesse Pepita wins Group three from the classes at Rio Hondo under judge Mrs Sue Goldberg
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Created: Saturday, 31 December 2005 10:00

Rocky (Ch. YBR's Redcoat Scotch On The Rock) was named #1 Cairn 2005 in Hawaii after only being there half the year.
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Created: Saturday, 31 December 2005 10:00

Gema (YBR's Redcoat Bling-Bling) winning BOS in Sweeps at the Long Beach Kennel Club show under judge Kathy Wishart.
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Created: Saturday, 31 December 2005 10:00

Picture from Long Beach starting at the left is Lucielle Mansfield with Ch. YellowBrickRoad's Quite A Charmer
and Ch. YellowBrickRoad's Private Label, in the middle is me with Ch. Zalazar Koh-I-Noor and YBR's Redcoat Bling Bling,
on the right is Vickie Hewlett with YBR's Redcoat Ruby Shoes and Harmonix Tequila Sunrise At YBR.
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Created: Sunday, 24 July 2005 10:00

Bitty with Sassy at a puppy match
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Created: Saturday, 25 June 2005 10:00
Introducing Our Newest Addition
Imported June, 2005
"Zalazar On The Road"
(Ch. Birselaw Billy Fury x Ch. Zalazar Voodoo Magic)

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Created: Friday, 01 April 2005 10:00
"Welcome to the U.S. from Denmark"
"Frigg's Princess Pepita"
(Multi Ch. Zalazar Jackpot x Cadagio Singha Gold)
Imported April 1, 2005

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Created: Thursday, 01 January 2004 10:00

"New Addition's to the 2004 show ring"
"Puppies sired by Ch Fettercairn Joachim, from left to right:
RedwoodsBodaO YellowBrickRoad, Redwoods Lange, Redwoods Swix, YellowBrickRoad J-Lo"
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Created: Sunday, 28 December 2003 10:00
Eukanuba Inviational Dogs Show
"Champion Fettercairn Joachim makes #13 of the top 25 Cairns invited, with a limited show career in 2003"

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Created: Sunday, 21 December 2003 10:00
Long Beach Kennel Club Show, Long Beach Ca
"Thestrup's More Talk Of The Town becomes Champion"

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Created: Sunday, 30 November 2003 10:00
Sahuaro Kennel Club show,Phoenix Arizona
"Zalazar Ziggy Stardust becomes Champion"

Same weekend
"Debe's Captain Morgan also becomes Champion"

"No, I am not a Cairn, I am a Norwich Terrier"
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Created: Friday, 31 October 2003 10:00
October 2003 Kachina Kennel Club Show, Goodyear, Arizona
"YellowbrickRoad HellOnWheel's becomes YellowBrickRoad's first homebred Champion"

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Created: Sunday, 29 June 2003 10:00
Southern California Cairn Terrier Specality 2003
See pictures more here
Zalazar Ziggy Stardust is awarded Winners Dog for a 5 point major under judge Mr. Jack Smith

YellowBrickRoad HellOnWheels is awarded Best Of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes under judge Mrs. Nancy Cassel
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Created: Sunday, 30 March 2003 11:00

Camilla Thestrup Bisgaard, 13 yrs
with Yellow Brick Roads Guardian Angel
after winning Best in Show Juniorhandler in Denmark March 29-30, 2003
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Created: Tuesday, 25 February 2003 10:00
Cairn Terrier Grooming Seminar
Feb 15th, 2003
See more pictures here
Given by Mette Sorum and Helle Lund Christensen from Denmark

Mette and Helle's Accomplishments:
Helle Lund Christensen, Kennel Cairndy, has been the President of the Grooming Society, known as the BHS. in Denmark.
She has been Danish Grooming Champion several times She has been Breed representative for 2 years.
She has bred/owned/groomed: Cairn Terrier Of The Year: 1982-83,1986,1988-93. Best Of Opposite Sex: 1982-1986,1989-1990,1993-97. Breeding Bitch: 1988-1990,1992-96. Stud Dog Of The Year: 1980,1985,1988-89,1991,1997. Bred/Showed/Groomed over 40 Danish Champions (only 2-4 finish each year). She has bred 3 World Winners (father, son & grandson).
Her dogs are the foundation for many people all over the World, like me!
Mette Sorum, Kennel Zalazar, trained with Peter Hage for 3 years, then opened her grooming salon "Odense Hundesalon".
Was Danish Grooming Champion several times, once as a trainee. Is the current President of the Grooming Society, BHS.
Current Breed representative for the Danish Terrier Klub. Has Bred/Showed/Groomed 5 Danish Champions, plus finished 4 others. Bred/Showed/Groomed Cairn Terrier Of The Year 2000. Breeding Dog and Bitch Of The Year (Terrier Club) 2000-2001.
Terrier Of The Year #4, 2000 Bitch Of The Year 1993-94. Won other placements in the top 10.
Both Girls are still professionally grooming dogs, both for pet and show.

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Created: Tuesday, 31 December 2002 10:00
Champion Fettercairn Joachim becomes #9 Cairn Terrier All Breed

2002 was just my 2nd year showing dogs and my first year showing a "Special's".
I took Ch. Fettercairn Joahcim to #9 Cairn Terrier in the U.S.,
only showing locally in Southern California (between San Diego and Los Angeles) and two weekends in Arizona.
Here is the list of the Top 25 Cairn Terriers 2002, from AKC starting Jan 1, 2002, to Dec 31, 2002!
Congratulations to all the winners!!!!
Top 25 Cairn Terriers (All Breed Points)
1 Ch Rose Croft Best Intentions 1,974 2 Ch Kyleakin Scotsman Invasion 1,562 3 Ch Rose Croft Where There's A Will 1,497 4 Ch Misty Meadow General Patton 1,283 5 Ch Cairncroft Quite A Miracle 533 6 Ch McCairn's Sir Sam Steele 431 7 Ch Terriwoods First Mate 412 8 Ch Glynbrooks Heartbreaker 411 9 Ch Fettercairn Joachim 347 10 Ch Furcaln's Sweet Pea 331 11 Ch Believitor Not At Willowood 318 12 Ch Dogwood Pentium Processor 314 13 Ch Cerbo Tharrbarr J S Bach 308 14 Ch Car Omik Masterpiece 0'Mcerin 292 15 Ch Melrose Brassey King Pin 276 16 Ch Rimrock's Cheyenne Brigadoon 245 17 Ch Zigfelds Third Rok From Son 232 18 Ch Mavrik's Thunder Rolls 230 19 Ch Happicairn King Of The Road 224 20 Ch Critterkin's Great Balls Of Fire 215 21 Ch Robinson Crusoe Quite Macho 194 22 Ch Foxairn Karaoke 191 23 Ch Cairnhoe Highlander Of Wolfpit 176 24 Ch Chaya Cairn Sparkle Plenty 160 25 Ch Marquees Green With Envy 152 |