YellowBrickRoad's Private Label
Color: Wheaten
Sex: Female
Born: 10-11-03
Reg.# RN037169
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Owned by: Lucielle Mansfield and Suzee Bidegain
Ch. YellowBrickRoad's Private Label | |
Parents | Grand-Parents | 3rd Generation | 4th Generation | 5th Generation | Ch. Regina Pacis Daniele | DK CH Cairndy Luca Loreto | Cairndy Arsunge | Tofthus' Howdy | DK CH Cairndy Cecil | DK CH Sarimont Shangri-la | DK CH Cairndy's Månestrale | Cairndy Dynasty | Dancairn Evita | Cairndy Zloty | DK CH INTCH KLBCH VV92 KBHV92 Cairndy's Only Oliver | DK CH KBHV85 INTCH Fettercairn Tot | Saleden Toasted Spice | Cairndy's Pandekage | DK CH Cairndy Cecil | Cairndy Goldie | DK CH Allerleirauh Eloise | GB CH DK CH KLUBSG Red Hackle of Ferniegair | Ferniegair Rustler | Glengarry of Muirend | Ferniegair Carrie | Littlegala Sherry | Glengarry of Muirend | Muirend Catriona | DK CH Agatha From The Green Meadows | DK CH Markenreg Master Nemo | GB CH Cairntop Master Simon | Markenreg Georgina | Penticharm Moondigger | GB CH Redletter Matthew | DK CH Penticharm Gold Digger | Regina Pacis Doris | DK CH Cairndy Luca Loreto | Cairndy Arsunge | Tofthus' Howdy | DK CH Cairndy Cecil | DK CH Sarimont Shangri-la | DK CH Cairndy's Månestrale | Cairndy Dynasty | Dancairn Evita | Cairndy Zloty | DK CH INTCH KLBCH VV92 KBHV92 Cairndy's Only Oliver | DK CH KBHV85 INTCH Fettercairn Tot | Saleden Toasted Spice | Cairndy's Pandekage | DK CH Cairndy Cecil | Cairndy Goldie | | ChI. Int Club 92-93 Eur. Jr. Winner 90 Jegulini's Carl Butler | Ch. S. Qarnax Verner Vicks | Ch. S. Int. Sarimont Simon Templar | Ch. S. Qarnax Veronica Amstel | Gimrocks Elin | Gimrocks Lassie-Sain | Gimrock's Trixie-Sain | Giorsal Liftiba | Ch I. Int. Swiss Ri. Club 91 Billy Hjohoo's Hjolly Good Gracious | Ch. S. Hjohoo's Sam Hjoel | Ch S.SF. Hjohoo's Hjootsie-Bootsie | Giorsal Another Story for Avignan | Ch I. Int. Club Ri. Giorsal Double Diamond | Ch I. Tjeps Gaia Rhea Silvia | |
"New Champion"
"Ch. Yellow Brick Road's Private Label"
(Ch.Regina Pacis Daniele x Regina Pacis Doris)

"Owned by Lucielle Mansfield and Suzee Bidegain"
Congratulations to Lucielle for showing Sabrina to her Championship and two BOB over Special's from the classes.
Look for this team to do great things this years as Lucielle takes Sabrina out as a Special.